Viral Dish! Apricot Kolaches :: Good Recipes

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Apricot Kolaches

"Kolaches are a Czech recipe which might be traditionally made with a yeast dough and fruit filling. In this model a non-yeasted dough is used. Variations encompass: cottage cheese, prune and apricot. All are quite sweet and can be drizzled with a mild powder sugar/milk frosting, but historically kolaches are not frosted. I desire this is what you have been looking for !! If ever in Oklahoma, test out the Czech Festival in Yukon, OK. The girls of the community make about 2000 plus dozen Kolaches on the market at some stage in the festivities !!!"

Ingredients :

  • 1 cup butter, softened
  • 6 ounces cream cheese, softened
  • 2 tablespoons white sugar
  • 2 cups all-purpose flour
  • 3/four cup dried apricots
  • 1 1/2 cups water
  • 3/four cup white sugar

Instructions :

Prep : Cook : 6M Ready in :
  • To make Filling: Combine apricots and water in heavy saucepan and cook covered over medium warmness for 10 minutes or till apricots are soft. Cook UNCOVERED 5 to 10 minutes or until maximum of the water has been absorbed.
  • Mash apricots, stir in 2 tablespoons of sugar and permit filling cool. Set aside.
  • To make Dough: Cream butter and cream cheese until fluffy; add 3/four cup sugar and beat well. Add flour and mix nicely. Shape dough into ball and chill 1 hour.
  • Turn dough onto properly-floured floor, running with most effective 1/2 the dough. Roll into 1/eight inch thickness and reduce into 2 inch squares. Spoon half of teaspoon of apricot filling into the middle of the square. Bring four corners to center, pinching to seal.
  • Bake at 400 ranges F for approximately 15 minutes. Optional - you can baste with butter midway thru baking duration.
  • Optional - drizzle LIGHTLY with powdered sugar/milk frosting if you desire sweeter kolaches.

Notes :

  • Reynolds® parchment can be used for less difficult cleanup/removal from the pan.

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